Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Valentine's Day in France

image from here

I wouldn't have known yesterday was Valentine's Day if it weren't for Twitter and daily deals websites.  Supposedly Valentine's Day is recognized and "celebrated" in France. I haven't seen the color red anywhere, no pink candies, no cards for sale, balloons etc...(where's the commercialization?!?!).  One of our french friends even has a dinner with a friend tonight and didn't realize the potential significance of the date.

Well... Katy and I need our colors. And our candy. And our romantic comedies. And to express the standard girl love-hate relationship with Valentine's Day.  To celebrate we had a special lunch of baguette, cheese and red fruit jam, with a special Madeline and coffee dessert.  Our Valentines Day color themed dinner started with a rosso Martini and cheese aperitif, then some salmon and rose wine and a dessert of chocolate and special cookies. 

Fear not friends. Tomorrow I am having my students make Valentines Day cards and showing them pictures of the Hallmark craziness and spreading the love. 

Posted By hp to Le Blog at 2/15/2012 09:04:00 AM

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